Programme 2024
Conference opening, Olindo Isabella, TU Delft
Session 1: Back contact cells & modules in R&D
- ISFH: Status update on POLO IBC solar cells with glass shadow masks and perspectives beyond
- ISC Konstanz: Status and further developments of polyZEBRA cell technology
- TU Delft: Understanding the electron transport mechanisms in MoOx-based layer stack for application in simplified IBC-SHJ solar cells
- CSEM: Tunnel IBC heterojunction smartwire modules - Illuminating solutions
Session 2: Back contact cells in industry
- Maxeon: IBC solar cells - The next technology node
- Tongwei Solar: Several key blocks for TBC cell mass production - half cut process and tools
- Meyer Burger: Development of industrial heterojunction IBC solar cells
- LONGi: High-efficiency back contacted silicon heterojunction solar cell technology
Session 3: Materials & tools for back contact cell technology
- HighLine: Parallel dispensing, a new approach for BC
- 9PV: Patterning of silicon layers using a highly selective, single-sided gas-phase etching process
- PV Nanocell: Leveraging nanoparticles to address industry goals in solar cell metallization
- DR Laser: Laser integrated bonding for 0BB XBC module manufacturing
Session 4: Characterisation / Outdoor testing / Shading resilience
- ISFH: Precise IV testing of IBC solar cells: Challenges and status at ISFH
- TU Delft / UHasselt: Low-breakdown-voltage solar cells for shading-tolerant photovoltaic modules
- ISC Konstanz: A simulation study of temperature of partially shaded modules
- Eternalsun: Solar simulators for high-efficiency and new PV technologies
Highlights of the first day, Olindo Isabella, TU Delft
Session 5: Novel interconnection technologies for back contact modules
- imec: Module and interconnection technology for Zebra IBC cells
- TNO: Conductive substrate BC module technology for new applications
- ISC Konstanz: Stringed Zebra IBC modules - Review and new applications
- Fraunhofer ISE: Flexible cell interconnection using Al-Foils and laser processing
Round table (Participators: Maxeon, Tongwei, MB, LONGi, Futurasun, AIKO)
- Part I - Will BC technology be the next big thing?
- Part II - Technology challenges in BC technology?
Session 6: Industrial BC modules and field applications
- Futurasun: Opportunities and challenges of back contact PV technology
- TNO: In-line assembly for BC technology
- Aiko: All back contact technology: Combining material merits, high reliability, and superior aesthetics
- Energyra: Light weight conductive backsheet modules
- CEA: Back contacts PV cells for VIPV applications - Opportunities and challenges
- SUPSI: Partial shading effects on the reliability of IBC modules
- Closing session and announcement of next BC Workshop
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